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I hope you're doing fine, here's a bunch of insight on how we're progressing with the label. First things first : CULTASS002 by the russian madman CIFRA is now officially on its way to biggest online mp3 stores, including... (13th of February) (tba) (tba)

We have high hopes for this release, and from your feedback we know that you like it just as much as we do and support it all the way. Thanks guys and gals! But we're definitely not going to sit back and enjoy just this one release as we've got plenty more for you to come..


Our next release, CULTASS003 will present you with tracks by Hellspawn and n-Kro. The tracklist for this release are top secret, but those in the know should have some idea of what to expect from these guys. As for our future releases you'll just have to stay tuned for more info as we release it gradually over the course of next 2 months, one thing is for certain - the variety of music Culture Assault Records are sporting will become more evident with each release.


Skipping a bit further into the future I can speak for myself and let you know that CULTASS007 will be my release of Look At My Planet and Side FX. Both of these tracks are almost finished at the moment, and artwork is being created by a friendly designer from Check his stuff out, it's pretty awesome! Later this year I plan to finish my LP which will be an experimental downtempo trip for all of you enjoying landscapes of sound and electronica mixed with live instruments. This album will feature our very own Daniel Rothmann aka T7 on the vocals amongst others, so it's  definitely something to look forward to. In the meantime I'll be remixing T7's track called 'Rusty', and putting out individual releases that people are looking forward to i.e. 'Bosconian Sunrise' and my collab dubstep track with Xpresive called 'Concrete Rain'. 


T7 is working on his LP and so far we've been very impressed with his work. You can check out his latest tracks on his myspace -


There's also a HUGE track coming up from our heads - Corax & Moobkore. I'm really hyped about this one, you just have to listen to it to get a hold of what these guys are up to, but I can assure you - this one is going to be a god damned smasher.


At the same time our dubstep division crew - Xpresiv & Potato-Mob are cooking up heavy beats 'Dubmarine' by Xpresiv and 'Light Tunnel' by Potato-Mob are something you should definitely check out!


To sum it up - things are moving forward and we're satisfied with the attention we're getting. But it's not enough for us, we've never considered Culture Assault Recs as a bastard-child record label which we would lose interest in after a few releases, in fact it's the complete opposite. We will move forward and go places, and the best proof of that is the genuine interest we're getting from people all around the world. So stick around and watch us as we go.




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About Culture Assault Records

It is so easy to create victims. You lock someone in a room with no light. Soon they'll begin to suffer. Then you feed that suffering. Slowly, methodicaly, systematicaly, coldly, for a long time. Then Culture Assault arose. And ever since it's been pushing the boundaries of music towards an experience of katharsys, from suffering to light through darkness ending at the aural fields of completeness. For any additional info refer to

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